Katakana Samples
サン・フレア アカデミー : For my first katakana word I decided to go to a Japanese news site. These particular words are taken from an ad at the website for The Japan Times. The katakana here is used to denote foreign words. The three English words: sun, flare, and academy are used.
フジトランスコーポレーション : Here is another loanword usage. The second word is the English word "Corporation." What's interesting about this is that the first word, the name of the company is "Fujitrans." What's more, the company is Japanese. It seems that the majority of Japanese companies have their names spelled in katakana.
ストロベリーグミ : My last samples is another loanword usage, the two English words Strawberry and Gummy. It's interesting to note that the company decided to spell the word strawberry out in Katakana rather than use the hiragana word for strawberry: いちご。Perhaps they are trying to market their product with international appeal.
ストロベリーグミ : My last samples is another loanword usage, the two English words Strawberry and Gummy. It's interesting to note that the company decided to spell the word strawberry out in Katakana rather than use the hiragana word for strawberry: いちご。Perhaps they are trying to market their product with international appeal.